How would you approach this investigation? (Panic in the Laundry)

Terrible Error Of A Father: Panic In The Laundry

Before you click on the picture link (which will open up a YouTube video clip) to the left, prepare yourself to be shocked, appalled, sad, angry, and overall emotional... Just fooling around, a father thought it would be fun to put his son in a dryer at a laundromat (with mom watching, but not paying too much attention). My heart sank as I began to understand what was happening. I cannot translate the Spanish, but there was an immediate sense of urgency when the dryer door shut, because it auto-locked, the drum started spinning, and most likely, the hot air coming in.

As a father, I can understand the desire to want to have fun with your child, especially in an extremely boring place, but as a Human Performance guy, I have to think about the big picture here. Should public customers have a level of recklessness that should be planned for? If you don't think so, than how can we account for the lack of serious children injury at water parks? Great design and forethought, right? So, how do you break this down and assess what we know from this video? By the father's reaction, it is quite easy to ascertain that he did not want to harm his son, so what barriers could have been put in place to prevent this unwanted outcome?


Identify barriers that should be implemented to prevent this unwanted outcome in the future. Keep it simple, and realistic. It's as easy as clicking the "Comment" button on the top right side of this post to share your thoughts. Feel free remain anonymous, or let us know who you are.

Conclusion of "Terrible Error Of A Father: Panic In The Laundry"

Translated from the video notes using Google Translator: "The father, to play a prank on his son, he gets into the machine and close the door without knowing that it starts automatically. The story has a happy ending: the boy only suffered terrible wounds leves.-parent error: Panic in the laundry"

I am not sure what "only suffered terrible wounds leves" means, but they said it was a happy ending. I wonder if that asked the boy if he was happy. This also brings us back to our Second Victim post (13-04) - if the injuries were serious, or grave, how do you think that father's emotional state would be any time we needed to do the laundry again. He may need some form of counseling as it is.


Where did you draw inspiration to start this blog and upcoming podcast?


What was the first Human Performance Tool?