What should an Advanced Human Performance Training Course include?

In my ever-growing passion for Human Performance Improvement I find myself constantly thinking about this topic. Last summer I started as a member on an INPO Team to design Advanced HU Training for the Industry, and many of the things we've been speaking about in those meetings really strike a cord with me now. I keep asking myself - What's missing from the overall picture? I love to develop and teach HU-based training and I could really use some visitor input. Think to yourself - what keeps you up at night? What does your organization need to get (or keep) on the right path? What do needs to be done differently? Can and should training be part of that solution?

Old-school HU Fundamentals Training

Typical Human Performance Fundamentals includes an understanding of human performance tools (from pre-job brief to post job critique, including fundamental and conditional types of tools), types of errors (latent/active), working in performance modes theory (knowledge based, rule-based, and skill-based), error precursors (hurrying, environmental distractions, etc.), TWIN Analysis (Task demands, Work environment, Individual capabilities, and human Nature), and then some case studies to understand how these are applied in real work situations. Using dynamic learning activities and classroom practice, students can grasp the various angles of human behavior and the thinking (or lack of thinking) that can lead up to an error or how a series of errors leads up to an event. The major take-away from HU Fundamental Training is to be intentional about your work and use tools (i.e. self-checking) when it absolutely matters the most. There are variations on this training (i.e. 1-hr to 1-wk), but the goal is always to raise awareness of your limitations and also teach you how to predict your own errors and prevent them with that knowledge.

Potential Courses to be Created

The following is a list of proposed training topics I've started for you to consider. Please advise me - what else can be added? I will continue to revise this, and bin the primary subjects. Would you go to this training? Would you pay to go? Or only go if someone paid you? Could some of the topics be combined?

(Note: If you're wondering, YES - I already have ideas for how to build effective training on each of these topics.)

Here are some of my initial thoughts for training topics:

  1. What Motivates People?
  2. Behavior Theories
  3. Important Case Studies of Human Error
  4. Establishing an HU Program in a High Reliability Organization
  5. How to Communicate Effectively
  6. How to Reinforce Desired Behaviors Through Engagement
  7. You Cannot Dictate What Others Value
  8. Identifying Error Precursors
  9. Managing Known Distractions
  10. Developing SMART HU Corrective Actions
  11. How to Properly Review a Document
  12. Giving Feedback - check out this quick video
  13. How to Develop a Checklist
  14. The importance of Your Signature
  15. Leadership Coaching - Horizontal and Vertical
  16. Aligning Management and Thought-Leaders
  17. Building Trust in Your Group and in Your Organization
  18. Preventing Future Cumulative Impact
  19. How to Analyze Data and Potential Trends
  20. Human Factoring the Control Room - Human-Machine Interfaces
  21. Human Factoring Procedures - checkout this short video

Call to action:

I am really looking forward to your feedback... As always, comment here, email me, or reply in LinkedIn Groups.


Can you explain "Knowledge Transfer" to me?


Can you explain "Human Performance" versus "Industrial Safety" to me?